Friday, December 11, 2015

Computer Graphics
Group 40 Documentation

A5: Crowd Simulation Challenge

Part 1: 
In this assignment, we created and evaluated an end-to-end crowd simulator in SteerLite by implementing A* algorithms and by enhancing the existing social forces module. One of the key changes we made to the sfAI module was enabling the useLongTermPlanning function, allowing our agents to plan their respective paths from the beginning of the test case. The projected paths were viewed by clicking on individual agents while the test case was running. Lastly, we also tweaked different constants in the social forces implementation file for specific test cases. 



Crowd Crossing: 

Office Complex: 

Bottleneck Squeeze: 

Doorway Two Way: 

Double Squeeze: 

Wall Squeeze: 

Hallway Two Way: 


For Part B, we created our very own test case. We wanted to implement a more real life scenario, so we chose a crowd of people attending a huge event at MSG in NYC -  thousands of people swarm around buildings, onto roads, and into the entrance of the venue (red cylinder). 

NYC Crowd: 

Our YouTube Links for ALL our test cases!! 

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